Doppelgängster: Self-Portraits in a Funhouse Mirror

book cover

MadHat Press, 2023

In his 19th book of verse, the New Romantic sonnets of Jeffrey Cyphers Wright are accompanied here by his beguiling artworks.

The title poem:


Wolf behind the wheel.
What dudes we be,
skimming masks of glass
across a bourbon sea.
The mirror smoking
all my weed.
Terminal desire
in the oracle flare.
Selling fiddles to infidels
under withering fire.
Silent heat
wrings jade from me:
these lines, raked
like coals from the sun.


“Wright is our grand lyric master.”
—Andrei Codrescu

“Jeffrey Cyphers Wright’s poems contain a universe within fourteen lines. Wright’s West Virginia background surfaces in Doppelgängster. In these poems, he perceives and rearranges the crazy twisted Americana of this time.”
—Chris Kraus

gryphon with feather wing


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