Fake Lies, © 2018 by Jeffrey Cyphers Wright is Fell Swoop 159.
Fell Swoop in New Orleans just published “Fake Lies”. Those poems will end up in a collection called Dopple Gängster which is the new stuff I’m working on.
Although the poems are stand alone, they call and echo each other. They’re about a central figure moving through the landscape, who tries to maintain an upbeat spirituality and the struggle to share that sensation.
The poems, when they’re done, arrive at a place that is part mirror and part projection. They are a critique of our times while offering sage observations in compressed, musical phrases. They try to be fun and deep simultaneously.
JCW Interviewed by John Wisniewki in AM|FM Magazine

I am not a real boy it seems,
but sometimes you are a living doll.
And this, I suppose, is a real poem
I’m managing to scrawl.