Party Everywhere 2014
Xanadu Press
This poem is a manifesto for the nascient ‘eventworks’ movement that stresses collaboration, community, and cause-based art. Welcome to the new world ardor.
–Michael Andre
A poet’s guide to social engagement
Write your own “ticket”
Sing here
Remember, you are a can,
not a can not

Centerfold from Party Everywhere
Wright created this book-length poem, photo-collage, photo-assemblage, thanks to a summer residency at eMediaLoft in New York City.
So the party never ends
It’s a never-ending series
of infinite
temporary works …
Greg Bem reviewed Party Everywhere in Rain Taxi Vol.26, No. 4, Winter 2021-2022 (#104):
This is a book of extremes, providing both humor and illumination. Each line is acute and intelligent…a brief call to life, love, and action.
–Greg Bem
Now in its second printing, Party Everywhere is available at Printed Matter